Tag Archives: lemon drink

Lemon Juice Recipe

Lemon is a popular and refreshing fruit that can be found in many recipes. Used widely in drinks and food, it is a rich source of Vitamin C as well as other health benefits that range from being an antioxidant, antiviral to immune boosting.

It can also be used as a tool for reducing weight as it increases one’s metabolic rate. The easiest way to capitalize on this is by drinking it.

Here’s our simple Lemon Juice recipe.


  • 1 Lemon
  • Water
  • Thyme


  1. Cut the lemon in half and fully squeeze its juice out. Remove seeds if necessary.
  2. Add the juice to a carafe of water. Add a sprig of thyme and stir to mix it.
  3. If the juice is too bitter for your taste buds, try adding honey instead of sugar.
  4. Enjoy!

Drink a bottle of this concoction a day and you’ll be able to see its effects soon! It’s amazing!


This post was written by Lauriane Nativel, AsiaFitnessToday.com‘s intern from La Salle Saint-Charles, Reunion Island.