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Pemakanan sihat

Makanan berkhasiat merupakan makanan yang harus dimakan untuk memastikan tubuh badan seseorang berfungsi secara normal. Makanan seimbang seharusnya memberikan kita tenaga yang mencukupi yang mengandungi karbohidrat, protein dan lemak secara optimum dan kandungan fiber yang mencukupi. Makanan yang memberi tenaga dapat membina badan dan dapat menjauhi kita daripada penyakit.


Berikut merupakan sedikit panduan kepada anda yang gemar makan ’10 HEALTHY EATING HABITS THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE’. Artikel ini sedikit sebanyak membantu saya menyemak cara dan pengambilan makanan saya agar makan dengan lebih bertanggungjawab.


Berikut adalah 10 amalan pemakanan tersebut:

  1. Jangan tidak makan karbohidrat

Sesetengah dari kita merasakan dan mempercayai dengan mengambil karbohidrat menyebabkan mereka gemuk dan mampu mengundang pelbagai penyakit. Ini mendorong mereka bertindak untuk meninggalkan pengambilan nutrien tersebut secara total serta menggantikannya dengan kaedah diet lain yang mungkin menyebabkan berlakunya malnutrisi.


  1. Rancang apa yang hendak dimakan

Sekiranya berhasrat untuk mengambil makan malam yang lebih berat seperti stik dan kentang, kurangkan atau elakkan pengambilan makanan berdaging dan berkanji untuk waktu makan yang lain dan begitulah seterusnya. Imbang dan rancang pengambilan kategori makanan.


  1. Makan tengahari semahu anda

Mungkin anda pernah dengar sarapan pagi adalah penting dan makan dengan banyak untuk memulakan hari anda tetapi ramai diantara kita yang tidak bersedia untuk makan dalam jumlah yang banyak seawal pagi. Kebenarannya ialah waktu makan paling penting ialah waktu makan tengahari di mana sistem penghadaman kita telah bersedia sepenuhnya. Di waktu itu juga badan amat memerlukan makanan untuk berfungsi sepenuhnya seharian. Namun begitu makan semahunya bukan bermakna anda boleh makan apa sahaja dalam jumlah yang banyak tetapi perlulah dirancang dan diimbang sebaik mungkin


  1. Makan makanan berwarna pelangi

Sayuran hijau, oren, anggur, kobis ungu, lada benggala dan pelbagai warna sayuran dan buah-buahan akan membantu memberi tubuh badan dengan pelbagai nutrien yang akan membantu melawan penyakit.


  1. Berhenti sebelum kenyang

Makan itu bukan untuk menjadi kenyang sebaliknya makan itu bertujuan memenuhi keperluan tubuh badan dengan nutrien yang membolehkan tubuh berfungsi sebaiknya. Praktis ini sememangnya amat membantu kerana ianya membolehkan sistem pencernaan berfungsi lebih optimum dan ini dapat mengelakkan dari perut kembung serta mengurangkan kadar risiko penyakit berkaitan usus dan perut.


  1. Tetapkan pola waktu makan yang seragam

Waktu makan yang tidak tetap akan menyebabkan kecenderungan untuk makan dalam kuantiti yang yang banyak


  1. Minum segelas air suam 20 minit sebelum makan

Mampu mengurangkan jumlah makanan yang diambil serta membantu sistem penghadaman.


  1. Kurangkan pengambilan gula di dalam makanan

Pengurangan pengambilan gula membantu mengurangkan jumlah kalori di dalam pemakanan seharian. Pengambilan gula secara berlebihan dalam jangka masa panjang boleh meningkatkatkan berat badan dan menyebabkan obesiti.


  1. Menguyah makanan secara perlahan-lahan

Di dalam air liur terdapat enzim amalyse yang membantu menguraikan makanan dan seterusnya membantu sistem pencernaan. Makan dengan cepat akan menyebabkan air liur tidak dapat menguraikan makanan dengan baik.


  1. Tidur secukupnya

Amalkan tidur yang secukupnya bagi mempastikan tubuh badan dapat berfungsi dengan baik termasuk sistem penghadaman.



  Benarkah Bikram Yoga Lebih Efektif untuk Membakar Kalori?

Sumber foto: megangraceful

Beberapa tahun lalu, yoga mulai digemari oleh masyarakat perkotaan di Indonesia. Tak hanya menjadi olahraga yang populer, yoga telah menjadi gaya hidup bagi sebagian orang. Olahraga yang melibatkan relaksasi dan meditasi ini selain dipercaya bisa menjaga kebugaran tubuh, juga menghindarkan kita dari stres. Pasar yang melihat antusiasme masyarakat, membuat inovasi perkembangan yoga dengan berbagai jenis kombinasi, sebut saja akrobatik yoga – yang melibatkan aksi-aksi akrobat di dalamnya, selain itu ada yang disebut sebagai bikram yoga, bagian dari hot yoga yang melibatkan suhu panas dalam ruangan.

Apa itu bikram?

Hot yoga ini dilakukan di dalam ruangan yang bersuhu panas sekitar 36 sampai 40 derajat Celcius. Gerakan yang dilakukan umumnya sama dengan yoga biasa. Siapa yang tidak tergiur melakukan yoga sambil bersauna? Pada bikram yoga ini diperagakan 26 postur yoga dan dua latihan pernapasan yang dilakukan dalam ruangan selama 90 menit.

Selain itu, hal unik lainnya adalah instruktur yoga tidak akan akan memperagakan gerakan postur tersebut, ia akan berbicara mengenai instruksinya agar partisipan berhenti berpikir sejenak. Tujuan dari yoga sendiri adalah untuk latihan mindfulness – berpikir hanya untuk saat ini saja, dengan apa yang sedang dilakukan, tidak memikirkan masa lalu dan masa depan. Latihan mindfulness ini akan mengurangi rasa cemas dalam diri Anda, sehingga stres pun akan berkurang.

Benarkah bikram yoga lebih efektif dalam membakar kalori?

Berdasarkan penelitian yang dipublikasikan pada Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research pada 2013, partisipan yang melakukan bikram yoga memang mengalami beberapa perubahan seperti kekuatan tenaga dan pengendalian otot yang baik, namun data yang diperoleh dalam kasus penurunan berat badan tidaklah besar, bahkan setelah menghadiri 24 pertemuan yang berlangsung selama delapan minggu.

Mungkinkah hal tersebut disebabkan oleh gaya hidup partisipan yang belum berubah, seperti mengkonsumsi makanan dengan asupan kalori yang berlebih? Mungkin saja. Tetapi, penelitian ini diambil secara kuantitatif, dan peneliti juga melakukan pengecekan kalori yang dibakar selama kelas berlangsung. Ternyata jumlah kalori yang dibakar hampir sama dengan jumlah pembakaran kalori ketika melakukan jalan cepat, kira-kira sekitar 330 kalori untuk perempuan dan 410 kalori untuk laki-laki. Padahal latihan ini dilakukan selama 90 menit. Bandingkan dengan ketika Anda berlari dengan kecepatan 5 meter per jam dalam waktu satu jam, yang dapat membakar hampir 600 kalori.

Manfaat melakukan bikram yoga

Memang kalori yang dibakar saat bikram yoga tidak cukup banyak untuk menurunkan berat badan yang drastis. Berdasarkan American Council on Exercise pada tahun 2013, yoga dianggap sebagai olahraga ringan, rata-rata denyut jantung partisipan ketika melakukan bikram yoga sekitar 57 persen. Namun, partisipan pada penelitian ACE tetap berpendapat bahwa bikram yoga adalah olahraga berat karena panas didapat menyebabkan mereka berkeringat.

Anda juga perlu garis bawahi bahwa yoga mampu membantu Anda untuk mengubah kebiasaan. Kesadaran penuh untuk hadir utuh pada saat ini yang dilatih selama yoga akan membantu Anda untuk sadar dengan apa yang Anda makan. Contohnya ketika Anda makan, maka Anda akan fokus pada rasa makanan itu, fokus ketika menguyah, Anda akan sadar ketika Anda merasa kenyang; pola pemikiran seperti ini akhirnya membawa Anda pada hidup sehat dan keseimbangan berat badan. Berdasarkan pada penelitian Journal of the American Dietetic Association pada Agustus 2009, seorang praktisi yoga biasa tidak banyak mengalami kenaikan berat badan selama sepuluh tahun dibanding yang tidak melakukan yoga.

Ada lagi alasan tidak ada salahnya melakukan bikram yoga karena pose-pose yang dilakukan dalam beberapa menit mampu membawa perubahan pada tekanan darah, level energi dan stres pada seseorang yang menderita sindrom metabolik. Penurunan tingkat stres ini mampu membuat seseorang lebih aktif dalam beraktivitas di siang hari, serta mengurangi hormon kortisol – hormon stres yang dapat memicu peningkatan berat badan. Jadi, sudah sangat jelas bahwa yoga membantu Anda untuk mengubah sikap sehari-hari ke arah yang lebih sehat.

6 tips memulai bikram yoga

Jika Anda yakin bahwa bikram yoga dapat membuat Anda menjadi lebih baik lagi dalam hal perilaku dan gaya hidup, tidak ada salahnya mencoba, tetapi Anda perlu memperhatikan beberapa hal berikut:

Belajar menguasai rasa panas

Jika Anda belum terbiasa dengan rasa panas di dalam ruangan, belajar untuk tetap fokus pada pernapasan. Menurut Kristin Bergman, yang mengajar di Bikram Yoga Richmond London, “Percayalah, Anda dapat menyembuhkan diri kurang dari satu menit dengan menutup mulut Anda dan mulai bernapas dengan hidung Anda.”

Sediakan air

Anda mungkin tidak membutuhkan minuman selama latihan, tetapi Anda perlu minum yang cukup selama seharian sekitar dua liter (8 hinggar 9 gelas). Jangan minum terlalu banyak sebelum latihan, ini akan menyebabkan Anda mual dan perut Anda akan terasa tak enak. Ketika rasa dehidrasi datang, cobalah untuk tidak terlalu keras melakukan gerakan. Namun, pastikan juga Anda tidak dehidrasi berlebihan. Rendahnya level potassium, sodium (garam) dan elektrolit dapat menyebabkan masalah pada kesehatan.

Strategi asupan makan

Jangan datang ke kelas dalam kondisi terlalu kenyang ataupun lapar, sebab Anda akan melakukan gerakan yang membuat otot Anda berkontraksi dalam ruangan panas dan membutuhkan konsentrasi. Cobalah untuk mengkonsumsi pisang sepuluh menit sebelum kelas mulai. Setiap orang memiliki cara yang berbeda dalam strategi mengatur asupan makanan, pastikan Anda mencari tahu sendiri apa yang berhasil untuk Anda.

Jangan datang terlambat

Jika Anda baru mengikuti kelas yoga, sebaiknya Anda datang tiga puluh menit lebih awal, sehingga dapat berdiskusi dengan instruktur Anda mengenai cedera yang Anda miliki, atau seluk beluk gerakan yang sulit, sehingga instruktur Anda akan membantu Anda mengatasi kekhawatiran Anda.

Pilihlah baju yang menyerap keringat

Pastikan Anda mengenakan pakaian yang nyaman, seperti baju dari bahan katun. Sebab, baju yang tak nyaman dapat merusak konsentrasi Anda. Anda perlu ingat bahwa Anda akan berada dan bertahan di ruangan panas selama 90 menit.

Jangan terlalu keras

Target utama yoga adalah kesadaran penuh, jadi jika Anda tidak bisa melakukan gerakan tertentu, cobalah pada pertemuan berikutnya. Jangan terlalu keras pada diri Anda. Anda juga harus membedakan mana yang menyebabkan rasa tidak nyaman dan rasa sakit. Tidak semestinya gerakan yoga membuat Anda sakit.

Olahraga vs Diet

Mana yang Lebih Efektif Menurunkan Berat Badan?

Berbagai penelitian dan ahli gizi sibuk berdebat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir untuk mencari cara upaya terbaik untuk mengendalikan berat badan dan obesitas. Baik berolahraga maupun mengatur pola makan (diet) dapat menurunkan berat badan, dan keduanya memiliki tantangan yang sama untuk dijalani, yaitu mengatur metabolisme makanan dan melawan keinginan untuk makan lebih banyak. Namun keduanya memiliki mekanisme dan dampak terhadap tubuh yang berbeda.

Bagaimana olahraga bisa menurunkan berat badan?

Kelebihan berat badan didefinisikan sebagai penyimpanan lemak berlebih dalam tubuh dan tidak sesuai dengan proporsi tinggi badan, akibatnya tubuh terlihat gemuk atau yang dikenal dengan obesitas. Namun perlu diketahui bahwa berat badan dan bentuk tubuh juga ditentukan oleh proporsi lemak dan otot pada tubuh. Baik berolahraga dan menjalani diet diketahui mempengaruhi proporsi lemak dan otot pada tubuh.

Dengan berolahraga, tubuh akan membakar lemak dan  menstimulasi pertumbuhan otot, sehingga tubuh akan memiliki proporsi otot yang lebih banyak. Namun angka pada timbangan berat badan Anda tidak akan jauh berbeda dari sebelumnya karena lemak memiliki massa yang lebih kecil daripada otot. Hasilnya, dengan berolahraga akan terjadi penurunan massa lemak, namun diikuti dengan peningkatan massa otot. Efeknya tetap akan terlihat pada bentuk tubuh yang lebih kurus, karena otot memakan ruang yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan lemak.

Bagaimana diet bisa menurunkan berat badan?

Dengan diet, alias mengatur pola makan, yang paling utama adalah mengurangi asupan kalori harian. Jika dilakukan dengan konsisten, tubuh akan menyesuaikan kebutuhan kalori dengan energi yang dihasilkan dari metabolisme. Hasilnya, dengan konsumsi kalori yang lebih sedikit, tubuh akan menyimpan cadangan makanan dalam jaringan lemak yang lebih sedikit, sehingga mempermudah penurunan berat badan.

Kenapa olahraga bisa tetap gagal menurunkan berat badan

Tubuh memiliki mekanisme tersendiri untuk mengatur kebutuhan energi dengan pembentukan lapisan lemak. Berolahraga maupun diet sama-sama akan mempengaruhi metabolisme kalori dan mengurangi pembentukan jaringan lemak,  namun penurunan berat badan tetap membutuhkan waktu. Selain itu, terdapat mekanisme lainnya yang menyebabkan upaya berolahraga maupun diet tidak efektif.

Berolahraga untuk menurunkan berat badan adalah cara yang sangat memakan waktu dan efeknya dalam penurunan berat badan sangat mudah hilang. Hal ini dikarenakan dengan rutin berolahraga, tubuh akan membakar kalori lebih banyak dan tubuh menyimpan kalori lebih rendah. Dengan kebiasaan berolahraga, kita cenderung mengonsumsi kalori yang memiliki jumlah berlebih dari kebutuhan tubuh, dan ini akan sangat cepat menyebabkan tubuh kelebihan kalori yang akan disimpan dalam bentuk lemak. Akibatnya, berat badan akan naik kembali tanpa mengalami penurunan yang stabil. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pembatasan pola makan juga merupakan hal yang penting di samping berolahraga, untuk menurunkan berat badan.

Kenapa diet bisa tetap gagal menurunkan berat badan

Jika Anda hanya memilih melakukan diet untuk menurunkan berat badan, Anda harus menjaga tingkat asupan kalori agar tetap stabil, dan hal ini dilakukan hingga berat badan mengalami penurunan yang stabil. Tantangan yang lebih beratnya lagi adalah peningkatan hormon lapar (grehlin) selama Anda diet, dan penurunan hormon yang mengirimkan sinyal untuk makan lebih sedikit (leptin). Penurunan hormon leptin juga akan menghambat pembakaran kalori, sehingga penurunan berat badan menjadi lebih sulit bahkan membutuhkan waktu yang lama.

Jadi, mana yang lebih efektif? Olahraga atau diet?

Dibandingkan dengan berolahraga, mengatur pola makan alias diet adalah cara yang lebih cepat. Hal ini dikarenakan lebih mudah untuk mengurangi jumlah kalori tubuh dengan membatasi kalori harian, dibandingkan harus membakar kalori dengan berolahraga. Namun, bagi beberapa orang, hanya mengurangi pola konsumsi makan saja mungkin akan membutuhkan waktu yang lama, sehingga mengatur pola makan dan diirngi dengan olahraga akan menjadi cara yang lebih sesuai.

Ahli biokimia nutrisi Shawn M. Talbott, PhD (seperti yang dilansir oleh Huffington Post) menyatakan bahwa menurunkan berat badan membutuhkan 75% mengatur pola makan (diet) dan 25% berolahraga. Ia juga berpendapat bahwa olahraga berlebihan namun pola makan tetap buruk, tidak akan menghasilkan penurunan berat badan yang signifikan.

10 Quick Workouts At The Office

Putting in an entire day at the workplace can be difficult to find an ideal time to work out. In any case, most of us have a bit of free time be it 5 to 10 minutes in between tasks as we sit in front of our PCs, and with this, we can take advantage  to have a quick workout. What you may not realize is how hard your body’s actually working even when you’re not paying attention. However, with these type of quick workouts, you won’t get a broad workout but you can get sufficient workout even when you don’t have the time to have an extensive workout session away from work. By following these ideas of 10 quick workouts at the office, this can definitely help you to save yourself from feeling tired and sore for sitting at your working desk for a really long time.

1.     Work your A$$ out

Contract your butt muscles. Relax. Contract. Relax. Repeat it for 20 times per session.

Your “glutei” is your muscles on your buttocks, and it serves more than just filling up and creating a bump at the back of your pants. Glutei is there to help you to sit down and stand up, among other crucial movements. Working them out does justice to how your body looks too!

2.     Move that neck!

Turn your head all the way to the left, so your chin is parallel with your left shoulder. Then, slowly drop your head, letting the weight of it guide you. Repeat it for 5 to 8 times per session.

Sometimes, when you sleep “wrongly”, your neck tends to ache, and sometimes you can’t even turn your head properly during the day just because you “slept wrongly”! This same applies to your days when your head is glued to the PC.

3.     Move your hands

Stretch your arm out in front of you with the palm up. With your other hand, grab your fingers and lightly pull them down to stretch your forearm. This works out your wrist. Clicking and moving that computer mouse repetitively may not be tiring for you, but it creates tension without you realizing it.

For your hands, tense and relax the muscles in your hands. Make firsts, spread your fingers and bend your fingers repetitively. This helps to stretch your hands!

4.     Move your legs

For your feet, lift your toes while keeping your heels firmly on the ground. While you can do this exercise standing, it works very well while seated. Also, rotate your feet clockwise your right foot, and anti-clockwise on your left foot. Do it until you feel the tense, then stop.

As for your legs, while sitting on your chair, extend your right leg until it is level with your hip. Hold as long as you are comfortable and then relax it. Do it alternately on both sides.

5.     Shrug those shoulders off

Raise both shoulders up toward the ears, hold for 5 seconds, and then relax. Repeat for 15 times per session.

Don’t let your shoulders be sore, you don’t wanna be sorry for having sore shoulders at works! Oh, make sure you’re not doing this during a meeting, or else people would think you’re weird.

6.     Work those abs out

Who says you can’t work your abs out even at work? Of course you can! While sitting down on your chair, sit up straight!

Take a deep breath and tighten your abdominal muscles to bring them inwards your spine as you exhale. Stay squeezed for 5 to 10 seconds, and you’ll feel the pressure! Repeat it for 12 to 15 times per session, it’ll be worth it!

7.     Walk!

Don’t fret that you can’t find a parking spot that’s closer to the entrance of your office, it’s totally okay to park a little bit further, so you get to spend some time to walk! Take this opportunity to have a quick workout before going into your office.

As for the women, if you’re wearing heels to work, be careful of your steps! But the best is to wear a pair of comfortable sandals or shoes to walk from your car to your office, and bring your pretty heels in a bag with you. Once you stepped into the office, quickly change your shoes!

8.     Pushups? No problem!

..and who says you can’t do pushups even at work, with the use of your desk? Of course you can! In order to do this exercise at work, first and foremost, you gotta make sure that your desk is solid enough to support your weight.

Here how it goes, standing before your desk, take a few steps backward, place both hands on your desk, then do push-ups against your desk. Just like any other push-ups, but with the use of your desk! Repeat for 15 times per session.

9.     Crunch time!

You think you can’t enhance your abdominal muscles at work? Yes you can for sure!

With both elbows on the thighs, try to curl the chest in towards the legs while resisting the movement with the arms. Hold for 10 seconds, release, and repeat times 10.


Or as Malaysians would call it in Bahasa Malaysia, “lompat bintang”, which if you direct translate it to English, it means “star jump”.  The final workout is probably the most extensive which could wake you up from feeling sleepy and tired at work! If you’re daring enough to do this at the office, all hail goes to you. Not only you’ll be working out for yourself, but you’ll never know, people around you might be inspired to do the same too! After all, hey, you’re working out!

Stand a little far apart from your desk, with your feet together and your hands down by your side. Jump in one motion with your feet out to the side and raise your arms above your head. Then immediately reverse that motion by jumping back to the starting position. Do it for 10 to 15 times per session!




Run While You Can

We all know that running is one of the best ways to get fit, but little did we all know that running can be beneficial to every part of our bodies, not forgetting that it also boost up our moods. Although running is incredibly beneficial to our health in a lot of ways, it may not be everybody’s favourite form of exercise, knowing that most non-runners sees running as a painful, tedious and exhausting form of exercise that should be avoided unless they are trying to get fit!

Less Stress

Running forces your body to exert excess energy and hormones thus reduces the chances of you getting tension headaches and even migraine. Anyhow, whether you’re having an awful day or you’re in a good mood, running will help to bolster your spirits and make you feel positive!

Fight Cancer

Did you know that active people are less likely to develop colon cancer? As for the ladies, there are high possibilities that their risk of breast cancer can be reduced up to 30 percent for those who regularly take part in intense workouts such as running, and even jogging!

Boost Your Bones

Running regularly helps to build your bones stronger. How? Running stresses your bones, and then your essential minerals are sent to the bones when under stress, which then makes your bones stronger! Besides, your muscle strengths will also tend to build at the same time too, keeping your bones even healthier as you age

Are You A First Timer?

Well, hello there! If you’re going to start running because of a competition such as a running marathon, it’s best to consult with a doctor first to check up on your health condition. If you’re going to start running to get out of your comfort zone and wanting to try a new form of exercise, it’s always best to start with brisk walking to jogging, and then running, depending on how fast your body adapts.

5 Minute Run

Hey, are you lazy to go through the process of brisk walking to jogging and then running? Yes, it may be a tedious process to go through, but if you really feel like running right away, 5 minutes of running a day is sufficient enough for you, especially when you’re a beginner! Daily run of 5 to 10 minutes per day will help to reduce the risk of fatality compared to not running.

Top 10 places in Malaysia which serves healthy food

Maintaining a healthy balanced diet is important for everyone in general in order to live a healthier lifestyle. Are you a person who loves dining in restaurants which serves healthy food? Fret not! There are loads of places and restaurants in Malaysia which serves the best healthy food for health-enthusiasts like you! Check out the top 10 places below for more details.

1.      The Daily Habit

If you’re a juice lover, you have found the right place! Yummy juices made from celery, carrots, broccoli, apples, raspberries and tomatoes! Their tagline “healthy eating, worth repeating” is what they stay true to as you can tuck into a hearty plate of free range eggs, smoked salmon, rockets and rye bread for breakfast, or come for their crunchy, flavourful salads and wraps.

CHI Fitness@BSC
Lot 1-02 BRDB Tower
(connected to Bangsar Shopping Centre)
285 Jalan Maarof, Bangsar
59000 Kuala Lumpur   Monday to Friday | 8:00am – 5:00pm, Saturday | 8:00am – 5:00pm, Sunday | Closed



2.      Basileuo Salad

The Basileuo is a salad bar with more than 40 types of colourful, juicy & crunchy toppings along with more than 10 types of homemade dressings. You’ll be spoilt for choice! They serve salad, soup, wraps, baked potato, pasta, comforting stew, various sandwiches, Fairtrade coffee, tea, imported beverages and much more!

3, Persiaran Greentown 5Greentown Business Centre, Ipoh 30450, Malaysia

Hours: Tue – Sun 11:00 – 10:00



3.      Green Garden Vegetarian & Healthy Food

Vegetarian food restaurant offering set meals. Menu items include snacks, salad, porridge, organic ramen, mini steamboat, fried rice set, dessert, fresh fruit juice

8 Persiaran Mahsuri 2, Sunway Tunas Bayan Baru

Penang, Malaysia 11900

Tue-Sun 11:00am-9:00pm

 4.     Veggie Planet

Veggie Planet is a vegetarian restaurant with mainly vegan menu that serves Malaysian, Chinese and some Western food. They use organic ingredients and are guided by their 5 principles of saying “No to MSG, Artificial Colouring, Preservatives, Artificial Fragrance and Micro-wave cooking”. Head over to give it a try!


41, Jalan Melaka Raya 8, Taman Melaka Raya

Malacca, Malaysia 75000

Mon-Sun 9:00am-10:00pm

5.      Green House of Natural Food

The restaurant claims to have less oil, salt and natural flavouring in the diet concept, dishes usually mushrooms, melons, and pulses the main flavour is more delicate. They also provide activities such as healthy cooking class for some fun!

37 & 39, Jalan Rosmerah 2/11, 
Taman Johor Jaya,
Johor Bahru 81100,
Johor, Malaysia. Mon-Sat : 9:30AM – 6:30PM

6.      Vegan House

The food at this restaurant is delicious and the prices are very reasonable. It has a clean, hygienic and inviting ambience whereby the staffs are friendly and helpful. Do bring your loved ones here to dine together with you and cherish the moment.


GRD FLR, LOT 1399,



Mon-Sun: 08:30-21:30

7.      Moon Flower Vegetarian Food

This restaurant serves one of the best stir-fried yellow noodle with cabbage, egg and mocked meat. It’s almost impossible to believe that their dishes are vegetarian as the flavour of the food good and comparable with foods cooked with real meat.


Lot 2-0-3, Kolam Center, Phase 2,

88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.  

Mon-Sun : 10AM-10PM

8.      Simple Life

If you love your nasi lemak, but you feel that it’s too much of “lemak” for you, Simple Life is the right place for you. They serve vegetarian nasi lemak alongside with brown rice, which is a much healthier choice compared to white rice!


LG-232A, Lower Ground Floor,

The Gardens Mall, Mid Valley City,

Lingkaran Syed Putra,

59200 Kuala Lumpur

Mon-Sun: 10am – 10pm

9.      Secret Recipe Beyond Veggie

Although Secret Recipe is known for their yummy cakes, they also have another specific restaurant for health-enthusiasts! If you love vegetarian food, or just wanting to give it a try, head to Beyond Veggie by Secret Recipe for their delicious and healthy food!


Taman Tun Dr Ismail,

 54, Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad 1, Taman Tun Dr Ismail,

 Kuala Lumpur 60000

Daily : 10AM-10PM


Kechara Oasis is a fine-dining vegetarian restaurant located in Jaya One, Petaling Jaya that serves vegetarian dishes from Chinese, Tibetan, Vietnamese and Western cuisine.



 72A JALAN UNIVERSITI, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Daily : 11:30 AM – 3:00 PM, 6:00 – 10:00 PM

Kechara Oasis New Vegetarian

YOU are what you EAT

Balanced diet and healthy eating is not just about having strict dietary confinements such as staying unreasonably thin or living in denial for the foods you love. Instead, it’s about feeling amazing, having more energy, enhancing your standpoint, and balancing out your state of mind. Having a healthier-eating habit lifestyle could definitely help you to sustain a healthier weight and avoid health problems. However, your mood and sense of wellbeing could also affect your diet in terms of your way of living.

You can always improve your mood and lower your risk to avoid health problems mentally. However, if you have already been diagnosed with a mental health problem, eating sufficient and nutritious meals can even help to manage your symptoms and regain control of your life.  What is most important is your overall dietary pattern, it depends on the type of food you eat, how you eat it and when you eat it. You must keep in mind that you don’t necessarily have to completely get rid of the foods that you enjoy eating in order to sustain a healthy diet, because can always counterbalance what you eat by exercising regularly! By doing exercises regularly could also lead a healthier lifestyle regardless of what you eat. So if you still want to enjoy eating your favourite food without worrying of being unhealthy and unfit, make sure you do exercises regularly!





You need energy to go through the day, you don’t want to feel tired throughout the day by skipping breakfast do you? At least have a piece of fruit and choose wholegrain bread instead of plain white bread.


Always go for good quality wholegrain breads instead of white breads and not to forget, good quality breakfast cereals too because these are the foods we eat almost every day.


Green tea is high in antioxidants and it improves your blood flow and lower cholesterol. It may not taste good, but you got to do it to look after your health!


Always eat your fruits and vegetables to reduce the risk of various diseases!


Always carry a water bottle with you and drink at least two bottles of water a day!


Try having some wholegrain bread with tuna, brown rice with chicken breast, or even yoghurt and fruits!


When you’re out of stock, how can you maintain a healthy-eating lifestyle? Plan your schedule each week and list out all the foods that you need to get!

8.       WALK AN HOUR

Too lazy to do any other forms of exercise? No worries! Just walk, it’s the simplest workout that everybody can do. Make sure you walk at least an hour a day!




People who are fit are often capable to live their lives to its fullest term. Both physical and mental fitness plays a vital role in everyone’s lives, including you!  Being physically and mentally fit in life are also less likely for you to be prone to health problems as you are already much healthier, so no hassle! Fitness is the well-being of an individual who has adequate strength to appreciate and enjoy life while staying away from weakness.  A lot of people often misunderstood the definition of fitness, thinking that fitness only relates to being physically fit. In fact, fitness also relates to a person’s mind. People must remember that a healthier mind contributes to a healthier body and this requires a change in lifestyle too. Here are some easy tips for college students and kids to lead a healthier lifestyle!


1.     Eat right

Try your best to avoid eating instant noodles and never skip breakfast, grab an energy bar or a piece of fruit at least if you’re rushing to class!

2.     Regular exercises

Lazy to jog? Then walk, or get involved in any physical fitness classes and sports programmes for some fun exercise!

3.     Avoid caffeine and sugary drinks

These types of drinks may keep you awake while burning the midnight oil to study, but they’re harmful in the long run. Instead, eat foods that are high in protein and fiber for some energy-boost!

4.     Take breaks

Students are always stress with the never-ending assignment and upcoming exams. Don’t overwork! Spend some time to relax, and do what you enjoy doing.

5.     Get enough sleep

Get at least seven to nine hours of sleep to avoid the reduction of brain function, fatigue, headaches weight loss and insomnia.


1.    Get outdoor and have fun

Instead of your kids playing video games and using the iPad at home, go enjoy some outdoor activities such as playing at the park, or cycling and swimming!

2.    Fruit juices

There are kids who just hate drinking the boring plain water, but don’t give them sweetened drinks, instead, prepare some fresh fruit juices for them!

3.    Replace sweets with fruits

Instead of snacking on junk foods, prepare some colourful fruits in a bowl and serve it creatively to your kids. Colourful and decorative foods, excites kids!





Specialty Shoes for Your Favourite Sport Activity

Prepare a budget for the purchase of at least a pair of specialty shoes for one type of exercise you choose. Choose the wrong sports shoes and you could end up lying on the couch nursing a variety of complaints such as toe blisters, shin splints, Achilles tendonitis, back pain, knee pain, and also hip pain.

There are many types of shoes you can buy according to the type of exercise that you like, such as the following:

Tennis Shoes

In the sports activity that uses a racket, you should use special shoes that can support the movement to the side. To that end, these kinds of shoes are usually more rigid and heavier than running shoes.

Aerobic Shoes

For this exercise, the shoes must be flexible, able to support and cushioning which absorbs, while minimizing the impact on the foot.

Soccer Shoes

Shoes of this type should be able to reduce the pressure on the foot. Using the wrong shoes can cause a soccer player at risk of developing calluses on the surface of the skin or toenails growth disorders.

Walking Shoes

Choose shoes that are lightweight and can reduce pain in the heel and ankle for this sport activity. Shoes for walking should be more rigid in the front so that the toes are more comfortable.

Running Shoes

These types of shoes are very flexible so it can support the foot to bend each time its stride. However, this type of shoe does not fit if it is used for other types of sports.

Basketball Shoes

To get the maximum benefit from the function of the shoes on the game of basketball or any other sport netball needed shoes that have a combination of flexibility while supporting the movement to the side.

Cross Trainers Shoes

This shoe combines several functions simultaneously for the benefit of more than one sports activity. Its features should have the flexibility on the front legs to run, but also must have a good control for a wider movement such as aerobics or tennis.

For those of you who want to buy specialty shoes for your favourite exercise, you can go to the sport shoes store and tell the staff the usual type of exercise you usually do. Choose shoes that are comfortable to use since the first time you try, the size that suits you. If your heels attached with the back of the shoe, and your finger is about one centimeter to the front of the shoe, then it is the right size for you. You should remember that each shoe has a limited lifetime depending on the quality of the shoes you bought. If you feel the shoes you normally use had been uncomfortable to use, immediately go to a sport shoes store to buy your new shoes.


Right Clothes for Your Favourite Workout Activity

In addition to a healthy balanced diet, exercise is something that is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Exercise can burn body fat so that we can avoid the risk of dangerous diseases. Regular exercise should be done three times a week to keep our body fit. It’s important to feel 100% comfortable while exercising. Many factors can determine the appropriate clothing for the exercise we choose. The following are things you should consider to choose the right clothes while exercising:


Right Material

Choose a material that can breathe and absorb perspiration. Materials such as Spandex or Lotto can make your body stay comfortable during exercise.


Right Size

Choose a size that is not too tight so that the body can still move easily. Clothes that are too tight can make it difficult for us to move and increases the risk of injury. However, do not choose pants that are too loose if you want to cycle because it can cause injury if the fabric caught in a bicycle wheel.


Sports Bra for Women

Using a sports bra when exercising is essential to compress the breast well and protect it from shocks. When you want to buy a sports bra, choose materials that are comfortable and able to absorb perspiration. The right size is also very important in order to keep the breasts well supported, but did not make it feel tight.
