Tag Archives: senior citizen

Looking for energy? It may be in the muscles

A study of adults 50 years or older see themselves in good health, but want more  strength and energy 

Do you notice any physical changes such as low energy, slower walking speed, decreased strength, unintentional weight loss and fatigue? You may not realise this, but waning strength  and loss of energy is the first indication of compromised muscle health. 

As adults age, having energy throughout the day can involve some extra steps. A survey by the  American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) and Abbott shows that they are not alone1

Abbott and AARP surveyed 1,480 Americans 50 years and older to better understand how they  view diet and health issues as they age, including muscle health. The survey asked adults to  rank specific elements of their health. A majority of the respondents viewed themselves in  good health, yet 50 percent wished they had more strength or energy to participate in the  activities they enjoy. 

The good news is that with some simple lifestyle changes, you can be on your way to long lasting strength and energy, showing age isn’t a limiting factor. 

1. Activate energy with activity 

Going old school on this tip. You may recall from science class, “a body in motion, stays in  motion”. Think about how that can apply to your daily routine. The American National  Institute on Aging reports that older adults who are inactive, can lose endurance, strength,  balance and flexibility – all key elements for a healthy life2

It is recommended that adults do some exercise for at least 30 minutes a day; for those aged  65 and older who are generally fit, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week3

Luckily, the AARP-Abbott survey found that many adults exercise multiple times a week,  which is a good first step to keeping healthy. 

Consider walking, swimming or cycling – all of these activities improve strength, flexibility  and balance. Looking for a more ambitious goal? Adults 40 years and older make up 40 to 50  percent of the people who finish marathons within their gender group, proving age does not  dictate how active you can be.

2. Mind your P’s 

Portion and protein, that is. What’s on an adult’s plate can impact how they feel and how active  they can be. A well-balanced and complete diet with nutrients that maximize strength and  energy includes fruits and vegetables, as well as lean meats, dairy and other protein-rich foods. 

As adults get older, their bodies absorb nutrients like protein differently, and protein is critical  in helping rebuild muscle. While we often know the types of food that are good, not as many  know how much of each they should be eating. According to the recent National Health and  Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2019, 1 in 3 Malaysian adults demonstrated poor health knowledge  which hinders their ability to make healthy lifestyle choices. Research also shows that up to 9 out of 10 aging adults fail to meet the daily recommended amounts of varying key nutrients  recommended for a healthy and active life. To compound this issue, with Malaysians having  longer and busier work schedules, making the right nutritional choices can be difficult. 

“We hear about having a variety of foods on our plate, but it’s just as important to have the  right amount of those foods and nutrients, particularly protein, to help fuel the body inside  and out,” said Tiffany DeWitt, RD, a registered dietitian at Abbott. “Making small daily  nutritional changes can make a big impact on living a healthier, more active life.” 

If you are looking to fill nutrition gaps in your diet, consider including a complete nutritional  supplement like Ensure® Gold™, which is now available in a ready-to-drink option which  offers users all the key benefits of Ensure® Gold™ in a convenient on-the-go format.

3. Muscle up 

Muscles play a big role in your body – from your balance and posture to supporting your  overall immune health. Adults naturally start losing muscle around age 40, and this number  can accelerate with an illness and injury. This accelerated muscle loss can make recovery more  difficult or impact how much energy you have. Despite these facts, only 31 percent of those  surveyed were very or extremely concerned about losing lean muscle at this stage of life. 

“Investing in your muscles now will help you to continue to do the things you love and live a  healthier, more active life at any age,” said Dewitt. “While muscle loss will happen naturally as  you age, the good news is that it’s reversible with the right balance of proper nutrition and  exercise.”

1 Abbott Nutrition News. Press release. America’s Health Checkup. Available from  

http://www.nutritionnews.abbott/content/dam/an/newsroom/images/medialibrary/Press%20Releases/AARP% 20Abbott%20Survey%20Press%20Rel%20FINAL.pdf. Last accessed, 29 May 2019. 

2 National Institute of Aging. Infographics. Get fit for free. Available from  

https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/infographics/get-fit-free. Last accessed, 29 May 2019. 3 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Physical activity basics. Available from  

https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/basics/index.htm?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fp hysicalactivity%2Fbasics%2Fadults%2Findex.htm. Last accessed, 29 May 2019.

5 Ways to Help Your Parents Stay Healthy and Active

When you were a child, mom and dad were quick in chasing you around. But as they get older, you may notice that they no longer have as much energy for physical activities. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) the recommended amount of physical activity is about 30 minutes a day, five days a week. Did you know all physical activity and basic physical movements require healthy muscles for strength and energy?

If you’re caring for parents, it is important to know regular exercise and the right nutrition not only helps them keep chronic illnesses at bay – but it also helps preserve their muscles to give them the strength and energy to achieve all of life’s possibilities as they age.

Here are five ways to help mom and dad to stay healthy and active as they enter their golden years.

Follow A Balanced Diet Incorporating Muscle Nutrients

Image: sansoja/Pixabay

Maintaining a balanced diet goes beyond making sure mom and dad get a healthy dose of fruits and vegetables. The body requires important nutrients and sufficient protein as it ages to support overall health and muscle strength. However, no single food provides all the nutrients for good health, so it is important to make sure mom and dad eat a variety of foods for different vitamins and nutrients.

There is also another nutrient that should be the mainstay of your parents’ diet. HMB, a muscle building ingredient, can help in maintaining muscles and physical function as your parents age. HMB is a metabolite of the essential amino acid leucine and has been shown to help the body regain strength2. Small amounts of HMB can be found in avocados, citrus fruits, cauliflower and catfish, but these are not enough to fully support mom and dad’s overall muscle health and strength. Hence, oral nutritional supplementation with HMB can help keep them strong.

Incorporate Weights into Your Daily Runs

You may be familiar with the heart-health benefits of jogging and running, but why not add a little strength training into the aerobic mix? By adding some resistance in the form of ankle weights or handheld dumbbells, older adults can build stronger, leaner muscles and protect against muscle loss as they age. Consider joining mom or dad for regular jogs around the neighborhood, passing off the weights among you for a rotating benefit for everyone.

Consider Low-Impact Routines and Resistance Training

Try something new and encourage mom and dad to join you for low-impact exercises that build the mind, body and balance, which can help prevent dangerous falls3. Even if they have never done them before, the stress-busting, blood-pressure-lowering benefits of yoga, pilates and tai chi make these routines worth exploring.

In addition to low-impact routines, resistance exercise has been proven as an effective way to increase muscle mass and strength. Create more moments that matter together and try out a class or even stream routines from YouTube.

Image: John Moeses Bauan/Unsplash

Bust A Move

Take advantage of the heart-pumping benefits of dance for older adults and crank up a few tunes from different decades for fun with the entire family. Help mom or dad take a jog down memory lane in a group class that teaches the moves of yesteryear, such as line dancing, ballroom dancing or even disco! Feeling daring? Go virtual and get a gaming console that encourages dance.

Make Workouts A Family Affair

Who said workouts had to be all work and no fun? Find physical activities that the whole family can partake in. The Ensure Gold Strength Run on November 10 is a 3-kilometer run that can put mom, dad and the whole family’s strength to the test. You can run side-by-side with mom and dad and encourage each other along the way, all while enjoying nostalgic music from the disco fever of the 70s all the way to the roaring 90s! There will also be fun activities to test your muscle strength and try other aerobics and strength training fitness.

While aging is natural, losing too much muscle mass is not. It is never too late to take steps to slow down or reverse muscle loss. These simple measures are key in supporting good muscle health so that your mom and dad have the strength and energy to continue doing the things they love with the entire family. Make your family’s muscle health a priority.